I don't have really much to say about this, other than that, occasionally folks ask me to make them something and/or I think of something I could doodle for somebody else. Recently, I have been doodling a lot of names with decorations, first for my children, then students when subbing, and then teachers, who noticed. What follows are not those names, but stuff I have created for specific folks, that you can have too.
This one was for a dear friend's daughter who is the cutest and is about to start potty training! She gets to put a sticker on either when she tries or is successful or doesn't have an accident. You make the rules here!
This one was a coloring sheet for an owner of my local yoga studio who had agreed to host a coloring booth for kids at a community event. Lots of lines and boxes make it fun for adults too.
Finally, this a bookmark I made for my kids' school librarian. I work on our PTA and manage the staff "favorites sheets," and noticed her favorite teacher supply is fun paper to cut into bookmarks for kids when they check out books.
P.S. Our mascot is the raccoon.
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