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Showing posts with the label sleep

Why do I do this to myself?

Someone once told me, that the last good night's sleep I would ever have would be the night before I found out I was pregnant.  Truth.  Anybody's who has been pregnant knows that it comes with discomfort, and lots and lots of bathroom trips.  And leg cramps.  And husbands who wake you up, because you are sleeping flat on your back.  (Side note:  Don't do this.  Yes, technically laying on my back wasn't ideal, but at. least. I. was. asleep.)  And then we had babies, who were/are lovely and beautiful, but totally sucked at sleeping.  I was in Zombieville for like 5 years. I know I am in the minority in that I have never watched The Walking Dead .  I assume it is just about my life when my kids were babies? And now, my kiddos are almost 7 and 9 and pretty much sleeping through the night consistently.  One of ours has a little GI/urinary issue, AND is afraid of the dark, so I do get woken frequently to escort her down the hallway to the potty.  Also, our 11-year-ol